Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Did you hire the right consultant? A comment on ASUG's EDGE

Well you have to be a member of ASUG to have access. I was researching ASUG's new website. They have the networking feature called EDGE. You can write reviews about a company and an individual. This helps you choose the right implementation partner company or consultant for your SAP implementation. This is a boon and a bane. Its a boon if your company or your consultant has performed very well at the client location. It is a bane if they did not. Some of the reviews that I read contain reviews not only about the technical knowledge of the consultant/s, but also about the attitude and personality of the consultant/s.

The consultant who was given a bad review is from one of the BIG 4 consulting company and a Senior consultant. The overall comment was " was very knowledgeable, however was not always very open and willing to work with us." The reviewer checked that he will not hire this consultant again.

The consultant who was given a good review is from a small SAP consulting company. The overall comment was " This was the first time I had worked with as well as and it was a good experience. I will continue our business relationship for future opportunities to work together."

Do we hire consultants just for technical requirements? Or do we hire consultants to be customer service associates while performing technical functions? Information technology belongs to the Service industry. All consultants hired must come with the right attitude, flexibility and tolerance of their customers within reasonable boundaries. After all in a service industry, the customer is always right ;). Although most part of the job requires the consultant's technical skills, the most critical part of the job is interacting with the customer.

Thanks for stopping by!

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